Global Threats in Civil Aviation Workshop 2019

On June 4-5, 2019, AVSEC & Emergency Training organized a workshop on global threats in civil aviation in Prague. It was attended by representatives from Germany, Latvia, the Russian Federation, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

In the workshop, the existing threats such as hijackings and bombings have been summarized and the importance of both classic profiling and the use of modern camera systems to automate the profiling of passengers has been highlighted.

Participants were familiarized with current threats, including internal and cyber threats. Also mentioned were the suicides of pilots, which can be considered as one of the types of internal threat. This is also related to the psychological resistance not only of pilots, but also of other civil aviation workers. Experts on behaviour and training in critical situations, as well as psychosocial assistance to people involuntarily affected by narcotic substances, presented their contributions.

The participants could try some elements of self-defence in the practical part and were acquainted with the possibilities of abuse of commonly available substances to produce explosive and flammable mixtures. 

Foto: Denisa Podolková

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