Bul Air: Emergency Responce Training - AVSEC Training

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Bul Air: Emergency Responce Training


It was our pleasure to share our long-term experience in emergency responce planning with Bul Air representatives. AVSEC & Emergency Team  provided the basic training in the company site in Sofia on 5th February 2018.

The participants were familiarized with the legislative requirements, responsibilities and competencies related to each individual managerial positions and the structure of contingency plans. The various scenarios of crisis situations that might occur during the flight and/or on the ground (at the airport) and their solutions were presented.

The training included all the necessary perspectives: the acts of unlawful interference or accidents / incidents and the outbreak on the aircraft board. In the practical part of the training, the participants had the opportunity to try the usage of defined procedures and the cooperation with the crisis staff.

At the end of the course, also the procedures to be applied on passengers and their relatives in individual centres established for this purpose, including filling in the appropriate forms and communication with these groups of persons, were mentioned.

Text: Jana Podolková, February 6, 2018
Photo: Jana Podolková, Sofia, February 5, 2018



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