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Aerodrome emergency and crisis planning (Emergency Planning) is the process of preparing for extraordinary situations and crises, and is an integral part of any security strategy of every single International Airport. Its purpose is to create favorable conditions for ensuring preparedness of all components of airport to emergency conditions, including direct cooperation with other departments and entities involved in aviation operations. Experience shows that good and effective management of crises is based in a quality process of preparation and planning. The only way to ensure the quickest possible recovery and return to air traffic, minimaze of financial and material losses. |
Tool of process contingency planning and crisis management is, besides other things, emergency and critical documents, verification of their accuracy and efficiency, and training employees to these issues. |
In preparation for emergency and crisis events we offer training, workshops and individual expertise in the following areas: |
Familiarization with legislative requirements (especially ICAO requirements of Annex 13, Annex 14 and Annex 17 and the National Security Programme) in the airport contingency and emergency planning |
The methodology for creating and updating the airport emergency plans and plans of emergency preparedness |
Analysis and expert assessment of the current state of airport security (SECURITY / SAFETY) in relation to the emergence of crisis situations |
Setting the control mechanisms for dealing with crisis events |
For further information |