Workshop on Behaviour Detection II - AVSEC Training

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Workshop on Behaviour Detection II


Due to attacks in Paris and Brussels  is impact of  training on the detection of abnormalities in human behavior  more important during  the training of security personnel, not only at international airports.  Find out, what areas should include training, and if it should be independent or integrated into the existing system of worker security training in airports,  it was  the aim of the second international workshop.


Workshop on Behaviour Detection II was  realized  in Prague from 27 to 28 April 2016. Were attended by representatives from Ireland, Germany, Austria, Romania, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. In the two-days workshop were presented the various abnormalities in human behaviour and cognitive techniques. At the same time  was  created a model syllabus for the training of security personnel recognizing abnormalities in human behavior.


Text: Jana Podolková, 14th July 2016
Foto: Hana Porubčanová,
Workshop on Behaviour Detection II, Prague 27-28 April 2016


Workshop on Behaviour Detection II,  Prague  27-28 April 2016



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