Bioterrorism: New threat in Civil Aviation? - AVSEC Training

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Bioterrorism: New threat in Civil Aviation?
Global Threats in Civil Aviation Workshop


In the Workshop on global threats in civil aviation, which took place in Prague on 4 - 5 June 2019, Mr. Karel Lehmert presented the possibilities of misuse of commonly available substances to produce explosive and incendiary mixtures. Can bioterrorism (when using natural substances as sugar) and agroterrorism (when using agricultural products as fertilizers) really be the new threat to civil aviation?

During the practical part, the workshop participants had the opportunity to understand how easy it is to prepare explosive and incendiary mixtures that could be used not only to frighten the crew and passengers on board an aircraft with the purpose to change the destination of the flight or with the purpose to gain other requirements. In the case of usage of higher amounts of these substances, these could also damage the aircraft itself with all the catastrophic consequences.

In order to prevent, the introduction of more dangerous combinations of substances, was agreed by the workshop attendees as the topic to be included in the security trainings for the screeners of passengers and their baggage.

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Text: Jana Podolková, June 6, 2019
Photo: Denisa Podolková, Global Threats in Civil Aviation Workshop, Prague, June 5, 2019



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