Julienne Bušić: The hijacking of TWA flight 355 - AVSEC Training

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Julienne Bušić: The hijacking of TWA flight 355
Special Guest of the Global Threats in Civil Aviation Workshop

There is no way, how to be proactive in the field of civil aviation security. All the security measures and procedures have been set up as a consequence of an already proven offenses to discourage the offenders to repeat these activities in future.

What is the motivation of one single person to commit an illegal act such as hijacking? For Julienne Bušić it was love. Are we really able to recognize the potential danger and identify the person, which is prepared for such act? In 1976, she and her husband with three other helpers kidnapped TWA 355 on a flight from New York to Chicago in order to achieve worldwide media coverage of Croatian independence and opposition to the Yugoslav dictatorship.

Julienne Bušić accepted an invitation to a Workshop on Global Threats in Civil Aviation, which was held on 4th – 5th June 2019 in Prague. In her speech, the workshop participants could see the motive, and reasons that led them to the hijacking of the aircraft.

She told her whole story about kidnap preparing and searching for information at the libraries, how they were writing their petition and when not successful, the kidnap come. She gave a detailed description of the kidnapping, and what happened when she was arrested. The story of a loving woman and a human rights activist. She told also the story about the friendships established on the board of the aircraft which last forever. When the time in prison was over, Julienne become an Adviser of the President of the Republic of Croatia and now is accepted as the human rights advocate. Her lecture was also attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, Mrs. Ljiljana Pancirov.

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Text: Jana Podolková, June 6, 2019
Photo: Denisa Podolková, Global Threats in Civil Aviation Workshop, Praha, June 5, 2019



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